Dedicated to the memory of Beny

Our Dear Son Ben was 22 years old was a Royal Marine Commando and was killed in action in Afghanistan on 6th March 2007. He risked his life to help others and was a Hero.

As a son and brother to Jamie, words cannot say enough about him. He was such a lovely person, so loving and caring and such good fun. We cannot express our grief at the moment of losing him. Our lives will never be the same again. Ben loved being a Royal Marine Commando and everything that it stood for. He was so proud of his Green Beret and we were of him at achieving it. He had only been a Marine for 2 years having passed out in February 2006. He was sent to Afghanistan in September 2006. Ben recently came home for his R&R (rest and relaxation) in February and couldnt wait to get back to his friends as he missed them so much. That was the last time we saw our dear son alive. We will cherish those few weeks we had him at home before he went back and the photos we took of him. It breaks our hearts that we will never see him again, or touch and feel him. Ben died a true Hero for Queen and Country. His brother is also finding it hard to come to terms with his death, they had become good friends as they got older. Ben will never be forgotten and will be in our hearts for ever until we meet him again in the place that he said was a better place than this.

God Bless Benny Boy until we meet again. Our Hero, gone but not forgotten.
We love you and miss you so very very much. Our lives will never be the same again without you Benny.
Mum, Dad and Jamie

Please spare a thought also for our Servicemen and Women who are serving overseas and risking their lives to try and bring peace around the world.

Marine Benjamin Reddy killed in Afghanistan
7 Mar 07
It is with deep regret that the Ministry of Defence must confirm the death of Marine Benjamin Reddy from K Company, 42 Commando Royal Marines, in Afghanistan on Tuesday 6 March 2007.

Marine Benjamin Reddy
[Picture: MOD]
Marine Reddy, aged 22, was killed when his unit came under fire during a deliberate clearance operation in the Kajaki area of Helmand Province.

Ben Reddy from Ascot, Berkshire, joined the Royal Marines on 18 April 2005. He deployed with K Company, 42 Commando Royal Marines to Helmand Province, Afghanistan, in September 2006.

Marine Reddy lived for every single day as a Royal Marine. Not only was he entirely professionally adept, he always displayed the manner and characteristics expected of a Royal Marine – the Commando Spirit. It was obvious to all that Marine Reddy treasured his Commando Green Beret and all that it stands for. He lived up to its reputation.

Never one to shirk his duties, Marine Reddy was often the first to volunteer for any task despite discomfort or danger, displaying typical unselfishness and courage that earned him great respect from his colleagues and peers. He would always work himself hard, always wanting to pull his weight for the team.

His honesty and openness gained him many friends within his Troop and Company. His tenacity, determination and professionalism shone through even in the toughest and most testing of conditions on operations. He would get on with the job, always wanting to produce the best results that he could.

Marine Reddy's humour and sense of duty to his friends never faltered. He was happiest when standing shoulder to shoulder with his fellow marines and, with the rush of adrenaline that combat brings, those marines felt all the better for standing alongside him.

Marine Reddy's parents have issued the following statement:

"This is the saddest day in our lives. Our son Ben's death has left us feeling totally empty. He was and always will be our hero, not only as a son but as a brother to Jamie. We want to wish all the personnel serving in action abroad a safe return to their families."

His Company released the following:

"Ben's absence will be profoundly felt by all ranks within K Company. We have lost a vibrant, unique character with an irrepressible sense of loyalty to his comrades. But most of all we have lost a true friend."

His Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Matt Holmes Royal Marines, added:

"Ben Reddy was a dedicated Royal Marine. He will be remembered as an honest and unselfish man who was conscientious in his approach to his duties and always worked hard for his friends and colleagues. He was always the first to offer assistance or to volunteer no matter what the associated danger.

"He was rightly very proud of his Green Beret, the outward mark of the Commando soldier. However, the real display of his Commando qualities were in his daily actions with K Company, and he had acquitted himself well fighting alongside his colleagues on numerous occasions. Courageous and proficient when in contact with the enemy, his fighting spirit was indomitable.

"Ben had close friends in the Company, and was amongst them when he fell. His loss will be greatly felt by his colleagues in K Company and across the whole Commando Unit, close as we are. We know he was particularly close to his family, whom he treasured and often spoke about, and our thoughts and prayers are with them and his friends at this difficult time."

Defence Secretary Des Browne said:

"Marine Reddy's death is a tragic loss and my thoughts are with his family, colleagues and friends at what must be a most difficult time. It is clear that he was an excellent marine who served his company, service and country with pride. Marine Reddy made a vital contribution to the important NATO mission in Afghanistan; he will not be forgotten."

Tribute from Doug Page, Vice Chairman, Ascot United

Doug coached ben when he first joined the club as an Under 7. He remained with the club progressing through all the age groups until he eventually played for the men’s teams.

Doug said;

“I saw Ben grow up into a young man. He was lively and directand his team mates thought of him very fondly. We all feel very much for his parents and family at this time who have also been involved at the club over the years. In September when Ben was home on leave before going out to Afghanistan he turned up to join in with his dad’s training session. He was kidding around and calling us ‘old folks’. Ascot United will always remember Ben.”


Age - 22

Location - Ascot, Berkshire

Cause of death - Killed In Action

Date of birth - 25/02/1985

Date of death - 06/03/2007


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